The White Cliffs Experience – MR2 Kent run, 9 April 2017 The White Cliffs experience is a new Kent Run, organised by Pete Mason from the MR2 Mk1 Club. This was the Sunday when the sun shone all day long and the temperature reached 23°C. With a new route to try…
This is the first time the club has attended this show. Although not as big as the Classic in November, there was still a lot going on and some great cars to look at. As the show’s title suggests, it’s more focused on being hands-on than just a static display,…
It was a lovely spring day, so the perfect place to have our Sunday lunch was the Riverside at Acton Bridge with its stunning views of the river Weaver with the boats, narrow boats and the ducks for company. We booked the large conservatory for all of us, as this…
This month, I decided to leave home 30 minutes earlier because of The Manchester Marathon. However, I still found myself in a traffic jam a few hundred yards from home and thought I would never leave Sale! I eventually arrived at The Manor Golf Club late, to find our members standing…