Anglia Region meet – February 2018

Our February meeting was scheduled to discuss the Anglia Region’s monthly meetings and activities for 2018.  We were very fortunate to be invited by Sheila Riches to hold the event at her home and we were exceptionally well looked after!  Members brought a selection of buffet food and we all…

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North Region meet – February 2018

Nine members from the North Region met for lunch at the Manor Golf Club near Bradford. Discussions took place on a variety of topics, particularly on the year’s programme of meets.  A number of ideas were put forward, with some checks to be done so that the programme can be…

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South East Regional Co-ordinator’s Comment

South East Region Co-ordinators – 2017 Report It’s been a busy year here in the south east especially after the surprise departure of our popular leader Richard Pells who has “emigrated” to the south west and we all wish him well. We have missed him but have managed to carry…

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North West Region meet – December 2017

Festive lunch at Dantes restaurant in Chorley, Sunday 3 December 2017 We enjoyed our festive lunch at Dantes restaurant so much last year that we suggested the same location again for our 2017 festive lunch.  Everyone was in agreement, so we booked the private dining area provisionally for 22 diners. …

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