Well, the first run ‘up north’ for 2024 has been completed. The North Region opener – ‘Yorkshire 600’ drive-out had five cars do the full 170ish miles from Cumbria to the Yorkshire coast with another three doing parts of the run.
This was a run with a difference. Martin & Shirley Leach planned the route, but the drivers had to find their own way, and find answers to questions on the way, with John & Diane Appleton leading the way. Oddly enough, they also won the prize for most correct answers!
Those present Martin & Shirley Leach, John & Diane Appleton, Ed Berresford, Gareh Vickers, Raymondo Nutbeam, Richard McDermott, Guy Taylor & Carolyn and Reuben Mew, who doesn’t have an MR2 yet, but hope his boys liked their rides & if his wife gets her way they will soon have one 😉
Many thanks to Guy for the video & various people for the photos I’ve shamelessly stolen!